How much is Paternity Pay in the UK? What are the rules? Hey! This post will teach you all the must-know points about paternity leave and paternity pay in the UK. At the end you will know how to qualify for paid time off with your baby. You will know how much time... What is Maternity Allowance? Maternity allowance (MA) is a payment scheme designed to help parents who don’t qualify for statutory maternity pay afford the costs of caring for a new baby. Like SMP, maternity allowance can be claimed as early as 11 weeks prior to your... Katie is pregnant and wants to know what her maternity leave rights are. How much maternity leave will she get? What about maternity pay? She has lots of questions about the timing of the leave and what she has to do to get it. She can’t afford to get it wrong as... Katie is pregnant and wants to know how much maternity leave she’s entitled to. How much basic maternity pay she will get? She has lots of questions about the timing of the leave and what she has to do to get it. She can’t afford to get it wrong as she’ll be surviving... Planning a perfect maternity leave is hard! Katie is pregnant and wants to know how much maternity leave she’s entitled to. How much maternity pay she will get? She has lots of questions about the timing of the leave and what she has to do to get it. She can’t...