About Us

Pay for Parenting is a site that aims to help Mams and Dads save money


Our Content

My goal is to help Mams and Dads everywhere save money, save time and save financial stress bringing up their kids.


Are you a parent? Do you wish your money would go further? Are you struggling? This site is for you!

Lots of Free Downloads

Download a range of printables and templates to help manage your finances as well as you can

Helpful Articles

Covering topics such as tax, benefits, saving, parental leave and childcare

Honest Reviews

Giving you first hand reviews of a range of products and services

Hey! James here. I’d like to be as transparent as possible on payforparenting.com so I’d like to make clear that throughout this site there may be links to products and services, that I will make an affiliate commision on if you click through and make a purchase. 

Where a product or service is shown (with an affiliate link) it is done so because I believe it will help my audience. I will not suggest or advertise products which do not serve my readers. 

My goal in creating payforparenting.com is to help families save money bringing up their children, and be able to spend more of their money as a family. One of my other goals in this endeavor is to see if I can make a little money from it to support my own family. I hope you understand. Thanks!

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